Germany - Peter Schneider Sagarmatha Trekking

The company was established in 1991 and specializes in individual trips to Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, India, Pakistan, Yemen, Mongolia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia etc. With an agency in Nepal "International Adventures Treks & Expeditions" they are specialists in adventure tours for Nepal. Peter Schneider, a promising fellow with a good brain for tourism with Sita, his Nepalese wife and business partner and a driving force behind him, makes them a good team and the agency a family concern.
web site:

Brazil - Asia Online

Asia Online is the only Brazilian tour agency specialized in Asia offering cultural and adventure trips to Tibet, India, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and Pakistan with the aim to provide fun but instructive trips. Asia Online specializes in handling small groups with full personal attention to each client and apart from their fixed departure schedule, they also handle tailored itineraries and custom tours. Manoel Morgado, the owner of the company is a widely traveled adventure enthusiast and has visited most of the places for which they offer tours.
web site:

United Kingdom - Action Challenge

Stefan co-founded Action Challenge in 1999, after eleven years working on international challenge and sporting events. Past experiences include working on the 1996 Delhi to London Bullet Challenge, the Rugby World Cup in South Africa, and the Argentine Grand Prix. For three years he organized fundraising challenges for the UK based charity Sense. Stefan is a keen mountaineer, cyclist and traveller and spends as much time as possible guiding and exploring the more extreme parts of the world. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and is passionate about eco-tourism and the environment

Kyrgyzstan - Global Tours Central Asia

Global Tours Central Asia offers soft tours to keen adventurers and tourists and also specializes in mountaineering and climbing expeditions in Kyrgyzstan and throughout the whole Central Asian region. With a variety of exclusively designed itineraries Global Tours Central Asia has a team of travel experts with the objective to turn your holidays in to a dream tour. Malika Malikova, a talented university graduate looks after the Marketing and office affairs of the company. For incoming and outgoing correspondence, bookings and general queries, Malika is the person to contact.
web site:

Canada - Country Representative

Abdul Qudoos, a computer expert by profession has a special love for mountains, wilderness and general tourism. He has widely traveled for the sake of tourism and adventure and has completed several trekking routes, requiring technical skills. He has also participated in rock climbing activities. With a good experience of traveling in Himalayas and Karakorams of Pakistan, he is actively participating in wilderness camping / hiking in the parks of Canada.

USA - Country Representative

Widely travelled in the north of Pakistan, A.Hayee has vast experience in trekking and rock climbing. Presently, he is working as the country representative for USA and can be contacted for first hand information. Email:

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